April 20, 2001, Newsletter Issue #14: Little Things Mean A Lot

Tip of the Week

My Tip of the Week: Understanding Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - the Pros and the Cons!

FMLA - the Family Medical Leave Act - This act was established by former President Bill Clinton, to ease the means for employees to take time off for certain situations or family emergencies. It became effective in 1993.

FMLA is a law that was needed; however, it has a few "gray areas."

For an employee to be eligible for FMLA, the employer must have approximately 50 employees at the worksite, and the employee must work at a site located within 75 miles.

Leave may be considered for the following situations:
Birth, adoption, care of the employee`s child.
Caring for an immediate family member (spouse, child, parent) with a serious health condition.
Condition related to the employee`s health.

I encourage anyone who is employed to become familiar with FMLA. Meet with your Human Resource representative to discuss FMLA.

During my father`s illness, I became intimidated with two of my employers and was hesitant to inquire about my rights. After my father`s death, I researched FMLA thoroughly, realizing one of my employers was negligent. After my rights were denied, I filed a complaint with the labor board. Please do not allow this to happen to you.

Become familiar with Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and stand up for your rights.

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